Intellectual Property and International Trade: The TRIPS Agreement. Third Edition | Carlos M. Correa, Abdulqawi A. Yusuf (eds.)

About the book: ”The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is the most far-reaching and comprehensive legal regime ever concluded at the multilateral level in the area of intellectual property rights (IPR). Compared to prior IPR conventions,… Citește mai multIntellectual Property and International Trade: The TRIPS Agreement. Third Edition | Carlos M. Correa, Abdulqawi A. Yusuf (eds.)

Private Dispute. Resolution in International Business. Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration. Third Edition | Klaus Peter Berger

About the book: ”The third, fully revised edition of this practical work now comprises two books and an interactive USB card. This new multimedia project will help you analyse the various ways of resolving an international business dispute: through negotiation,… Citește mai multPrivate Dispute. Resolution in International Business. Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration. Third Edition | Klaus Peter Berger

International Contracting. Law and Practice. Fourth Edition | Larry A. DiMatteo

About the book: ”International Contracting. Law and Practice, in its fourth revised and expanded edition, describes the new and ever-changing concepts and procedures that continue to redefine the searching, drafting, and execution of international contracts. For well over a decade… Citește mai multInternational Contracting. Law and Practice. Fourth Edition | Larry A. DiMatteo

EU Competition Law. An Analytical Guide to the Leading Cases | Ariel Ezrachi

About the book: ”This book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European competition law. It is an enlarged and updated fifth edition of the highly practical guide to the leading cases of European competition… Citește mai multEU Competition Law. An Analytical Guide to the Leading Cases | Ariel Ezrachi

The French Contract Law Reform: a Source of Inspiration? | Sophie Stijns, Sanne Jansen (eds.)

About the book: ”The French projet d’ordonnance, which reformed contract law, the general regime of obligations and the proof of obligations appeared in February 2015. One year later, in February 2016, the final version of the ordonnance was published. The… Citește mai multThe French Contract Law Reform: a Source of Inspiration? | Sophie Stijns, Sanne Jansen (eds.)

European Contract Law and the Digital Single Market | Alberto De Franceschi (ed.)

About the book: ”The EU is committed to making the Single Market fit for the digital age, by enhancing the protection of consumers and data subjects, while providing businesses with the legal certainty they need to invest in this field… Citește mai multEuropean Contract Law and the Digital Single Market | Alberto De Franceschi (ed.)