Frusta et fragmina. Essays on european law | Codrin Codrea

Editorul: “Lucrarea conține o suma de eseuri de filosofie a dreptului in jurul unor concepte din dreptul european ințeles ca produs cultural. “Essential reading for scholars within the disciplines of law, political science, philosophy, anthropology and the classics. Codrea provides… Citește mai multFrusta et fragmina. Essays on european law | Codrin Codrea

Construction Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe: Contemporary Issues | Crina Baltag, Cosmin Vasile (ed.)

Overview: “Construction Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe takes a close look at the contemporary topics in construction arbitration and related procedures, with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe. Complex construction projects often give rise to disputes which are usually… Citește mai multConstruction Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe: Contemporary Issues | Crina Baltag, Cosmin Vasile (ed.)