International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements. Drafting and Enforcing. Fifth Edition | Gary B. Born
About the book: ”International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements: Drafting and Enforcing is a concise, practical primer on the fundamentals of drafting and enforcing international arbitration agreements and other dispute resolution clauses.
Key Features Include:
- Discussion of practical reasons for international arbitration and forum selection clauses
- Uncomplicated and concise guidance on drafting international arbitration and forum selection clauses
- Do’s and don’t’s for drafting
- Model international arbitration and forum selection clauses that permit efficient and effective dispute resolution: more than 50 different model provisions
- Ad hoc versus institutional arbitration clauses
- Overview leading arbitral institutions (including ICC, SIAC, ICDR/AAA, LCIA, HKIAC, PCA, ICSID, WIPO, VIAC, DIS, NAI and CRCICA)
- Overview of advantages and disadvantages of leading arbitral seats
- Multi-tier dispute resolution provisions
- Optional provisions for international arbitration and forum selection clauses (including arbitrator selection, arbitral procedure, costs of arbitration, provisional measures, waiver of annulment and currency of award)
- Discussion of pathological arbitration clauses and commonly-encountered defects.”